Law Blog

Client-Focused Leadership Skills

Law Blog

Client-Focused Leadership Skills

Law Blog2024-01-09T20:54:39-06:00
2703, 2014

Iman v. Iman: Modification of Parenting Schedule Based on Mother’s Relocation

By |Categories: Custody, Divorce, Law Blog, Parenting Plan Modification, Post-Divorce, Relocation|

The Mother and Father had one child and divorced in 2011. While the divorce was pending, the Father moved to Florida due to his military employment, and the Mother was designated as the child's temporary primary residential parent. During their separation, the parties shared parenting time equally, and the [...]

2001, 2014

The Attorney-Client Privilege and E-mailing Your Lawyer

By |Categories: Adoption, Alimony, Child Abuse, Child Support, Conservatorship, Custody, DCS, Dependency & Neglect, Divorce, Fathers' Rights, Order of Protection, Relocation, Termination of Parental Rights|

The attorney-client privilege is the oldest privilege recognized in Tennessee. It is intended to protect communications between an attorney and his client, relating to the matter for which the client sought legal advice, from being discovered by the opposing party or any other third party. The purpose is to [...]

2001, 2014

Determining Tennesee Child Custody: What do the courts Consider?

By |Categories: Child Abuse, Custody, Divorce, Fathers' Rights|

There are a number of factors Tennessee judges consider when determining which parent should be designated the Primary Residential Parent. These factors are set out in Tennessee Code Annotated §36-6-106, which states: (a) In a suit for annulment, divorce, separate maintenance, or in any other proceeding requiring the court [...]

1201, 2014

How Do I Plan for My Care as I Age?

By |Categories: Family Law Common Questions|

There are many ways to provide for medical care and medical decision-making as you age. As an example, you can have an estate attorney prepare health care advance directives such as living wills, durable powers of attorney, and durable medical powers of attorney. These documents are relatively easy to [...]

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