Tennessee Code Annotated §36-6-101, entitles both legal parents of a child to the right to receive directly from the child’s school any educational records customarily made available to parents. This statute also states that, “[u]pon request from one parent, the parent enrolling the child in school shall provide to the other parent as soon as available each academic year the name, address, telephone number and other contact information for the school.” These records would include things such as report cards, attendance records, teacher names, class schedules, and standardized test scores.

Most schools in Tennessee are aware of this parental right. However, on occasion, I have seen clients face difficulty in obtaining such records. If we represent you, we will deal with the school directly, even issuing a subpoena for records, if necessary. If you wish to have a copy of your child’s school records for use in your Tennessee divorce or Tennessee custody case, make sure you let us know so we may request those as quickly as possible.

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